Supporting Technical Assessments

58 12.0 Indigenous Biodiversity Significance 12.1 Introduction The RPS sets out the criteria for identifying areas of significant indigenous biodiversity and their characteristics as they exist at the time the criteria are being applied12 (WRC 2016). Criteria13 may be specific to a habitat type including water, land or airspace or be more inclusive to address connectivity, or movement of species across habitat types. The criteria are provided in Appendix 1. The significance of ecological habitat within the proposed project footprint was evaluated using the ‘Criteria for determining significance of indigenous biodiversity’ in Section 11A of the RPS. This criteria states that “To be identified as significant an area needs to meet one or more of the criteria identified in the table below” (i.e. in Table 11-1 of the RPS (Appendix 1)). 12.2 Freshwater Indigenous Biodiversity Significance When assessed against the RPS significance criteria (Section 11A, see Appendix 1), the ecological attributes of Mataura Stream and Ruahorehore Stream meet significance criterion 3 and criterion 9: 3. It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: - classed as threatened or at risk, or - endemic to the Waikato region, or - at the limit of their natural range. 9. It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: • its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and • if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land and water use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion, sediment disturbance), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time. The Mataura Stream provides habitat to two At Risk – Declining fish species being longfin eel and koaro. Accordingly, the Mataura Stream is assessed as significant for indigenous biodiversity. None of the remaining freshwater ecosystems within the WNP project area were assessed as significant for indigenous biodiversity. 12 Section 11A Indigenous Biodiversity. 13 Table 11-1 Criteria for determining significance of indigenous biodiversity.