Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 11.2.6 TB1 Wetland Feature A wetland feature occurs within the TB1 stream corridor at TB1-1c. This wetland has been formed from a former silt pond that was developed as part of the construction of the tailings storage facility (TSF2). The relevant resource consents for diversions and silt ponds for the North of TSF211 do not require a rehabilitation to a constructed wetland. In addition, nowhere in the Oceana Gold Waihi Extended Project AEE is there any mention that wetlands would be affected by the project, and accordingly there is no mention of any requirement to offset impacts on, or to restore an existing former wetland. The planting of the decommissioned silt pond at TB1 is part of the OGNZL’s predecessor Company’s commitment to “beyond compliance” outcome as opposed to it being a requirement to offset impacts on or restore an existing or former wetland. 11.2.7 Summary Overall, streams within the NRS footprint are considered to be of moderate ecological value. The streams are historically highly modified with streambeds smothered by fine sediment; partially a result of their predominantly pasture catchments. Macroinvertebrate communities were dominated by tolerant taxa, while the presence of EPT taxa was relatively low. The fish fauna was sparse, with only shortfin eel species recorded during the surveys. 11.2.8 Significance of Freshwater Ecological Values The streams within the NRS footprint are not considered significant under the RPS Section 11A criteria. 11.2.9 EIANZ Ecological Value The tributaries within the NRS footprint were classified using the EIANZ criteria outlined in Table 1 and we consider both sites to have ‘medium’ ecological value (Table 20). Table 20: Summary of ecological values of locations within NRS footprint and surrounds. Within the Footprint Outside of Footprint TB1_Lower TB1_Upper Medium Medium • Invertebrate community has moderate diversity and low abundance. • MCI score of 82.3 • Four EPT taxa present • SEV score of 0.501 • Shortfin eel present • Stream channel and banks unmodified, well established restored riparian vegetation but no canopy closure. • Invertebrate community has low diversity and abundance. • Invertebrate community dominated by pollution tolerant sp. • MCI score of 93.6 • Four EPT taxa present • SEV score of 0.409 • Shortfin eel present • Stream channel and banks modified through vegetation removal and stock access. 11 Water permit 971296 to divert natural water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) around the oxidised stockpile N2 at the northern end of Storage 2, water permit 971298 to divert natural an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 2) of the Ohinemuri River at the northern end of Storage 2, water permit 971299 to divert part of an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 1) of the Ohinemuri River by way of culverting at the northern end of Storage 2, and discharge permit 971311 to discharge settled stormwater from site ponds within Area D.