Supporting Technical Assessments

SE L V o T w B e 1 r SEV TB1 Upper WFa e v tll o a n n a d WTB e B et 1 la -1 n c dd Wetland TB1-3 OHE_TX TTBB11 Stream TB1 Stream tre Ohinemuri River em WAIHI NORTH Stream TB1 at the Northern Waste Rock Stack Date: 17 May 2022 | Revision: 0 Plan prepared for Oceana Gold by Boffa Miskell Limited Project Manager: [email protected] | Drawn: BMc | Checked: IBo Fi le Ref: BM210482_FRE_03_A3L_NRS.mxd 0 200 m 1:5,000 @ A3 Projection: NZGD 2000 New Zealand Transverse Mercator Data Sources: Boffa Miskell, OGCL, LINZ This plan has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our Client's use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Any use or reliance by a third party is at that party's own risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed that it is accurate. No liability or responsibility is accepted by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided by the Client or any external source. Wetland Streams Permanent Intermittent SEVs LEGEND Figure 13