Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx macroinvertebrate communities present are diverse with the pollution sensitive EPT taxa present at all sites, but communities are dominated by those species that are more pollution tolerant. Ecological values of the Ruahorehore Stream within the proposed TSF3 footprint are of moderate (RUA_Upper) and high (RUA_Forest) ecological value. Diverse macroinvertebrate and fish communities are present and include the presence of kōura and longfin eel (At Risk – Declining). 10.3 Significance of Freshwater Ecological Values The permanent upstream tributary of the Ruahorehore Stream within the TSF3 footprint meets the significance criteria within the RPS Section 11A in particular meeting criterion 3: (3) It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are:  Classed as threatened or at risk, or  endemic to the Waikato Region, or at the limit of their natural range. This criterion was satisfied through the presence of longfin eel, an At Risk – Declining, species being present at both sites RUA_upper and RUA_forest. Site RUA_forest is also located within a SNA (T13UP166 – based on terrestrial characteristics) within the HDP. Table 19: Summary of ecological value of the Ruahorehore Stream (based on EIANZ criteria). Within Footprint Outside Footprint Site RUA_Lower RUA_Upper RUA_Forest RUA_Trig Road RUA_Revegetated Ecological Value Medium Medium-High Very High Medium Medium Ecological Values Metric Invertebrate community has moderate abundance and diversity Dominated by pollution tolerant taxa MCI score of 74.1 4 EPT taxa 3 fish taxa present SEV score 0.435 Invertebrate community has low abundance and moderate diversity No dominant taxa MCI score of 110 8 EPT taxa 2 fish taxa present including At Risk longfin eel SEV score of 0.532 Moderate taxa diversity Community dominated by EPT taxa MCI score of 115 7 EPT taxa 2 fish taxa present including At Risk longfin eel SEV score of 0.85 Moderate abundance and high diversity Dominated by pollution tolerant taxa MCI score of 80 7 EPT taxa 1 fish taxa present SEV of 0.403 Invertebrate community is abundant and diverse Moderately dominated by pollution tolerant taxa MCI score of 83 10 EPT taxa 2 fish taxa present SEV score of 0.575