Supporting Technical Assessments

48 Table 16: Bird species observed and/or recorded at Gladstone wetland 2018. Bird Species Incidental observations ARD Fantail   Grey warbler   Kingfisher   Silvereye  Pukeko   California Quail  Greenfinch   Chaffinch   Rosella  Blackbird  Myna  House sparrow  Skylark   Pheasant  Spotted dove  Ecological Values The ecological values of the Gladstone wetland are summarised in Table 17. Table 17: Summary of ecological values of Gladstone Wetland. EIANZ criteria Site Gladstone Wetland Value Moderate Reasons for our assessment • Large (1.0 ha), high quality wetland restoration located downstream of the proposed Gladstone pit (Wetland Gladstone Pit Downstream). • Assessed as having significant ecological value based on criteria in the RPS. • Good connectivity to other wetland features in the landscape, with potentially high value habitat for Threatened/At Risk marshbirds. • Sequence of small wetland patches along the restored tributary that feeds the main wetland. • Small tributary watercourse has moderate ecological function. • Assessed using the EIANZ criteria a having moderate ecological value.