Supporting Technical Assessments

24 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 Native forest and scrub vegetation present within the Project Area on the farm property comprise narrow riparian remnants confined to the very steep tributary sides with some single standing trees in pasture. The margins of the riparian areas are currently not fenced and are heavily grazed as a result. Vegetation present includes narrow, linear features with a fragmented canopy of mānuka, tawa, kohekohe and nikau above an understorey of kawakawa, karamu, māhoe, wineberry and several fern species. These riparian areas lack a ground tier and regeneration of indigenous species is sparse or absent due to grazing. Riparian vegetation supplies shading and organic input functions to the incised tributaries, but little terrestrial habitat value. The footprint of the rock stack in Tributary 2 is typical of the site and comprises sparse vegetation, with only occasional native species (e.g. māhoe, mānuka, wheki and ponga). The stream channel is steep with evidence of erosion and pasture grasses in the channel itself. Vegetation becomes denser further upstream as the stream and tributaries become more incised. Māhoe and makomako are common shrubs, with ferns in the understory. Vegetation quality was assessed as poor with many dead trees observed. Several larger indigenous forest fragments were identified on the Willows Road farm outside of the Project Area including on the northern boundary and eastern land parcel (Vegetation Areas 1, 2, 3, and 5) (Figure 7). Vegetation Area 4 comprised a stand of pine trees, with some native forest regeneration. Vegetation communities are described in detail in Appendix 3. Vegetation on the boundary of CFP includes mature forest species with patchy undergrowth near the proposed portal location, that moving east becomes smaller in stature and dominated by shrub species. This vegetation is described in Appendix 3. Figure 6: Riparian vegetation within the footprint of the proposed Willows Rock Stack at Willows Road Farm, Waihi. Downstream view (left), upstream view (right).