Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 8.0 Services Trench 8.1 Introduction A buried services trench connecting the Willows Road Farm to the existing Waihi Plant will carry power, fibre optic cables and treated / potable and recycled water. The route follows Willows Road corridor to SH25, west of SH25 to west of Ohinemuri Bridge then overland to the Processing Plant, predominantly on OGNZL-owned land (Figure 8). The proposed services trench is some 4.56 km in length but has a narrow trenching requirement (2.5 m). A site walkover was carried out in the proposed services trench footprint to assess ecological values on 11 November 2021. The route followed largely road verge and grazed pasture. Vegetation comprises exotic species including grey willow, poplar and barberry with mixed pasture grasses occurred along the route. Vegetation clearance will be minimal as the trench is narrow (2.5 m maximum width). Here we describe the key freshwater and wetland features along the route of the service trench. 8.2 Aquatic features along the proposed services trench route 8.2.1 Stream crossings along the proposed services trench route For the most part the services cross streams and rivers at existing bridges, including the Ohinemuri River at two locations. The service corridor crosses two unnamed tributary streams as it approaches the Waihi operations. No aquatic surveys have been undertaken of these two streams, but they have been visited as part of the corridor walkover. Our key observations are provided in Appendix 13. • Tributary a (Site 4) is a shallow stream feature approximately 5 m wide. The channel was completely covered in grasses and thick floating grass mats. • Tributary b (Site 5) is an entrenched watercourse running alongside a barberry hedge with a bank height of some 0.5 m.