Supporting Technical Assessments

36 sheltered areas. Macroinvertebrate assemblages and indices were reflective of the good-quality habitat with many sensitive taxa. Fish species richness was diverse with six native fish species recorded within the stream or in adjacent catchments. Riparian vegetation and stream shading were limited and included mostly rank pasture and low stature vegetation. There did not appear to be any level of modification to the stream channel within the assessed reach, however the riparian margin was highly modified. We have assessed the Mataura Stream reach as comprising high ecological value. The unnamed tributary 2 has good instream habitat quality and moderate quantity consisting mostly of riffles habitat and also featuring pools, runs, occasional waterfalls, undercut banks, overhanging / encroaching riparian vegetation and root mats from mostly low stature riparian vegetation. While habitat may have been diverse, these habitats were not abundant. Sediment cover across the stream was low, but there was higher cover in reaches with lesser gradients. Macroinvertebrate assemblages and indices were reflective of the habitat. Fish species richness was low with only shortfin eel detected, likely due to the fish barrier downstream and the impaired habitat quality of the reach. Riparian vegetation and stream shading were limited and included mostly rank pasture and low stature vegetation along most of the reach. However, there was more established vegetation within the upper reaches where stock was not able to access due to the steepness of the banks. Stream modification along the reach was moderate with numerous culverts for stock crossing (including a perched culvert), erosion and bank slumping from stock access, limited riparian vegetation and a constructed online pond. We have assessed the unnamed tributary as comprising low ecological value. Table 14: Summary of ecological values of Mataura Stream catchment. EIANZ Criteria Site Mataura Stream Unnamed Tributary 2 Ecological value High Low Metric Native fish species Shortfin eel, Longfin eel, Crans bully, Common bully, Koaro, Banded kokopu Shortfin eel Presence of invasive macrophytes None Low (water celery, reed sweetgrass and water starwort) SQMCI 5.4 (Good) 3.2 (Poor) Fish IBI 58 (Excellent) 20 (Fair) Sediment & water quality Fair Fair Sediment cover Minimal Low Riparian (stream) cover Low Low Macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness 26 29 Instream habitat quality & quantity High Moderate Percent EPT taxa 50 21 SEV score - 0.594 Existing stream modification Minimal Moderate