Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 7.5.3 Tributary 2 Gully Gully feature 2 occurs as wet pasture in a shallow gully encompassing a flow path that emerges from the scrub covered hillslope above (tributary 2). The gully was heavily grazed and trampled by cattle creating compact and impermeable soils. All plots scored a PI < 3 (indicative of a wet-tolerant vegetation community). Mercer grass dominated this prospective wetland forming a 2 by 5-metre-long patch at the toe of the flow path, lined with Kikuyu and Perennial rye grass at the margins. All plots were dominated by exotic pasture species (comprising of 76% and 100% of the vegetation cover in these plots). These plots can therefore be excluded from the definition of a ‘Natural Wetland’ under the Improved Pasture exclusion according the NPS-FM, as they comprise improved pasture that, at the commencement date, is dominated by exotic pasture species, does not have permanent surface water, and is subject to temporary rain-derived water pooling. 7.6 Freshwater Ecology Values 7.6.1 Data Collection In this section we provide an overview of the data collected from the assessed stream reaches (Table 10). Further descriptions of the methods used are detailed in Appendix 3. Locations of survey sites are provided in Figure 6. Table 10: Overview of the freshwater ecological attributes assessed at sample sites at Willows Road Farm, July – August 2020 and January 2021. Fieldwork Method Mataura Stream Unnamed Tributary 2 Habitat values   Sediment & water quality   Sediment cover  SEV  Macroinvertebrates   Fish survey  7.7 Mataura Stream catchment 7.7.1 Background Headwaters of the Mataura stream begin mostly within the native forested catchments of Coromandel Range, with several tributaries also feeding into the Mataura Stream from adjacent farmland. The perennial main stem flows in a south easterly direction (adjacent to the proposed works site) before discharging into the Ohinemuri River between Willows Road and Corbett Road. The sub-catchment of the tributary (tributary 2) which flows through the proposed works site is located within farmland south of the forested Coromandel Range. The unnamed tributary flows in an easterly direction and into the Mataura Stream.