Supporting Technical Assessments

20 7.2.4 Road Crossings Road crossing of tributaries on the farm will all be rebuilt as many include perched culverts preventing fish migration and are poorly constructed resulting in flood plain areas. Crossings and culverts will be designed to allow for fish and eel movement up the stream tributary corridors. 7.2.5 Services Trench A buried Services Trench connecting the Willows Road Farm to the existing Processing Plant will carry power, fibre optic cables and treated and potable water. A material handling portal will be located near the Processing Plant in Waihi (the WUG Portal) that will be used to transport ore out of the mine and rock back to the mine for stope backfilling. 7.2.6 Wastewater Human wastewater from the operations at Willows Road Farm will be treated on site by a package sewage treatment plant (STP). Discharge water from the STP will be directed into a transpiration pit (soak away) on the site. The transpiration pit will be located remotely from the Mataura Stream and its tributaries. 7.3 Wharekirauponga Stream 7.3.1 Background The proposed WUG is expecetd to have only minimal surface features occurring within the Coromandel Forest Park, in the form of fenced vent raises, occurring on legal paper road owned by the Hauraki District Council. This underground infrastructure, while having minimal surface expression may have a potential to affect surface waterbodies through increased drainage. An aquatic assessment was undertaken within the main stem and upper tributaries of the Wharekirauponga Stream aquatic habitat (i.e., the Teawaotemutu (both arms) (Figure 4, Appendix 4). In addition, the the value and potential effect of the loss of a small warm water spring was assessed and is discussed separately below in section 7.5. Stream surveys were undertaken across consective days on 29 January – 1 Febrary 2019. Weather conditions prior to, and during, the survey were hot and dry with no significant rainfall events in the preceding three weeks. Ecological surveys undertaken included water physicochemistry, periphyton, macrophytes, marcorinvertebrates and fish communities. No macrophytes were present at any of the survey sites.