8 wet conditions and sustained high flows over the last two years competitions have resumed due to a recovery in the trout population. Daniel (2017) goes on to refer to the multiple stressors including extreme water temperatures, degraded water quality, migration barriers and degraded habitat that occur in the Ohinemuri River. 4.0 Existing Ecological Enhancements Considerable planting has been undertaken across the Waihi site and surrounding areas by OGNZL (and the former Waihi Gold), with 455,400 plants planted between 1995-2016. Of these plants 206,541 were identified as ‘riparian’ plantings and a further 14,379 and 41,805 plants were identified as ‘swamp’ and ‘gully’ plantings respectively. These plantings totalled 35.31 ha of restoration plantings in and around the Waihi township. The location of these plantings includes TB1 Stream and a number of associated wetlands, Eastern Stream, and the lower reaches of the Ruahorehore Stream and tributaries (Figure 3) These plantings have improved the ecological value and function of these watercourses and wetlands. We note that much of the riparian restoration planting was carried out to improve the stability of the banks, following observations of extensive erosion following removal of willows and other vegetation for catchment flood management purposes in the 1980s. These plantings have been important in reducing erosion and sediment intrusion into the river. The majority of the wetland and stream habitat that is scheduled for removal has been previously restored by OGNZL to a high standard. The previous restoration work has been a major contributor to the ecological values that are described in our report, particularly as reviews of old satellite imagery shows that many of these habitats were degraded pastureland features and willow-dominated margins prior to restoration. In other circumstances, the restoration has made use of artificial features such as redundant silt ponds. We emphasise that these enhancements have been entirely voluntary by OGNZL and have not been undertaken as part of any regulatory or land purchase requirements.