Supporting Technical Assessments

20 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 The 5MBC method consists of recording all bird species seen and/or heard during the count period. Individual birds are recorded once, the first time they are seen or heard. Each count lasts for five minutes and is preceded by a five-minute stand down period to allow activity to settle following observer arrival. Bird nest checks comprise assessing trees to be felled for nesting birds, whereby trees with active nests cannot be felled until birds have fledged or the nest has failed. 4.9 Assessment of Ecological Values Ecological value has aspects of both quantity (rarity or extent) and quality (integrity, functionality or condition) and incorporates an array of attributes across multiple levels of ecological organisation (species, communities, habitats and ecosystems). Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) impact assessment guidelines (Roper-Lindsay et al., 2018) provide a summary scale whereby a site’s value is assessed as the extent to which an area or site exemplifies qualities of representativeness, rarity/ distinctiveness, diversity and pattern, and ecological context characteristic of its ecosystem type and then ranked on a scale of Negligible to Very High for how many of those assessment matters are met (Table 1). We have assessed terrestrial ecosystems / communities / habitats and species against these criteria to determine the overall value of the features. Table 1: EIANZ criteria for ascribing ecological value (Roper-Lindsay et al., 2018). Value Description Very high Area rates High for 3 or all of the four assessment matters (representativeness, rarity/ distinctiveness, diversity/pattern, ecological context) High Area rates High for 2 of the assessment matters, Moderate and Low for the remainder, or Area rates High for 1 of the assessment matters, Moderate for the remainder Moderate Area rates High for one matter, Moderate and Low for the remainder, or Area rates Moderate for 2 or more assessment matters Low or Very Low for the remainder Low Area rates Low or Very Low for majority of assessment matters and Moderate for one. Limited ecological value other than as local habitat for tolerant native species. Negligible Area rates Very Low for 3 matters and Moderate, Low or Very Low for remainder. 4.10 Evaluating the Level of Effect 4.10.1 Assessment of Effect The ecological effects of the project have primarily been assessed using the indicative footprint of works. Under the EIANZ criteria we have used, the level or severity of adverse effects on an ecological feature or process is determined by the magnitude of the effect, the nature of the effects, and the ecological value of the site or feature (Roper-Lindsay et al., 2018). The EIANZ assessment method uses matrices to provide a basis for clear and comparative assessments of the magnitude of effects (Table 2) and the associated impact on ecological