U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 2.0 Project Location and Description 2.1 Project Location The Oceana Gold Waihi gold mines are located within and adjacent to the Waihi township, near the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The site currently consists of the Martha Open Pit and the Correnso, Slevin, Favona, Trio and Martha Underground mines. The proposed footprint of the surface works for the Waihi North Project is set across five areas of works as listed in section 2.2 below and shown in Figure 1. The land surrounding the current surface mining operations (mainly zoned Martha Mineral Zone in the Hauraki District Plan) is predominantly rural, except for the Martha Pit which is surrounded by residential, low-density residential and town centre areas. No activities in or around Martha Pit are proposed as part of the WNP. Proposed surface works as part of WNP are largely either located within the existing Martha Mineral Zone or within the Rural Zone (refer the Hauraki District Plan). The existing mining site is located within the Ohinemuri River Catchment, a tributary of the Waihou River and within the Waihi Ecological District (ED). Major tributaries of the Ohinemuri River include the Ruahorehore Stream, Mangatoetoe Stream and Mataura Stream, a number of smaller waterbodies draining into the river in the vicinity of Waihi; as well as the Waitawheta and Waitekauri Rivers lower in the catchment. A summary account of the landuse and history of the Ohinemuri River and its environment is provided in section 3. The WUG is located in Coromandel Forest Park (CFP) (administered by the Department of Conservation, DOC), within the Mataura, Ramarama, Waiharakeke and Wharekirauponga catchments. The WUG is located south of Otahu Ecological area, the only Ecological Area in the Waihi Ecological District. The portal entrance, Surface Facilities Area, services corridor, and the tunnel to processing plant are located in predominantly rural farmland north of Waihi township. 2.2 Project Description The WNP provides for two mining operations, provides sufficient surplus rock storage and tailings disposal areas and sets appropriate closure criteria. We understand that re-siting of some of the existing underground infrastructure is required due to the proximity of the proposed GOP to the existing Favona portal and surge stockpile. Establishment of a new Surface Facilities Area near the Willows Road portal will be required to support the tunnelling and subsequent mining at Wharekirauponga. A new portal for ore delivery and rock return will be constructed close to the Processing Plant for servicing the WUG via a tunnel extension to meet at the Willows Road vent raise 1 (underground). The Waihi North Project comprises several components (Figure 1): • A new underground mine, Wharekirauponga, located approximately 11 km north-west of the current Processing Plant. Site infrastructure supporting the mine will be located on OGNZL owned farmland located at the end of Willows Road, with only minimal surface features, in the form of fenced vent raises, on legal road owned by Hauraki District Council; or other suitable sites;