2 • The wetland and freshwater ecological values of the NRS; and • The freshwater ecological values of the reconsenting of the Processing Plant and WTP. We present each of these components within separate chapters associated with the main project activities. Terrestrial ecological values and effects assessment for the GOP, TSF3, NRS, and Processing Plant are provided in Bioresearches (2021), and for the WUG and associated infrastructure in Boffa Miskell (2022). The WNP takes an overall ‘Nature Positive’ approach to impact management whereby all potential significant impacts on biodiversity are mitigated / compensated / offset (as appropriate) to a level that a Net Gain is the expected outcome. 1.3 Report Structure This report is set out as follows: Section 1 Presents an overview of the project and our assessment approach. Section 2 Describes the project location, detailed project description and site context. Section 3 Provides a brief overview of the Ohinemuri River catchment. Section 4 Outlines existing ecological enhancements. Section 5 Provides an overview of relevant statutory matters. Section 6 Describes general methodology used across all parts of the project. Sections 7–11 Describes the ecological survey and analysis methodology and values assessment for the Wharekirauponga, GOP, TSF3, NRS and Processing Plant elements, respectively. Section 12 Outlines the significance of indigenous biodiversity. Section 13 Details the water quality and standards of the Ohinemuri River. Sections 14-19 Describes the effects of WNP on ecological values of Wharekirauponga, GOP, TSF3, NRS and Processing Plant elements, respectively. Section 20 Describes the treated water discharge. Section 21 Describes the treated water pipeline and outfall. Section 22 Describes the management of effects. Section 23 Describes the additional positive enhancements. Section 24 Conclusion.