Supporting Technical Assessments

x Term Meaning SOE State of the environment Stormwater Water that flows from impervious areas after the construction period. Stream Ecological Valuation A standardised stream ecological survey methodology of stream functionality that informs offset calculations. Taxon A type / group of animals (e.g. species). The plural is ‘taxa’. Terrigenous Sediment derived from the erosion of rocks on land; that is, that are derived from terrestrial environments. Terrestrial Land-based (i.e. terrestrial vegetation, terrestrial fauna). Torpor Decreased physiological activity in an animal, usually by a reduced body temperature and metabolic rate. Treatment wetland Vegetated stormwater treatment device designed to remove a range of contaminants, providing superior water quality treatment to wet ponds with increased filtering and biological treatment performance. Treeland Treeland is defined as vegetation in which the cover of trees in the canopy is 20–80 percent, with tree cover exceeding that of any other growth form, and in which the trees form a discontinuous upper canopy above either a lower canopy of predominantly non-woody vegetation or bare ground. Tributaries Small ‘feeder’ streams that drain into larger streams and rivers. The catchments of these tributaries are known as sub-catchments. True Left or True Right The true left and true right banks of a stream or watercourse refers the left or right side of the stream when looking downstream, i.e. looking to where the water is flowing to. TSF Tailings Storage Facility Turbidity Turbidity is a measure of water clarity or murkiness of a waterbody. WAA Wildlife Act Authority Watercourse A natural or artificial channel through which water flows. Wetland Defined in s2(1) of the RMA to include “…permanently or intermittently wet areas, shallow water, and land water margins that support a natural ecosystem of plants and animals that are adapted to wet conditions”.