Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Fres hwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 14.4 Mataura Stream Catchment 83 14.5 Summary of Effects Assessment on Freshwater Ecological Values at Willows Farm 88 14.6 Summary of Effects Management 89 14.7 Summary of Recommendations 89 15.0 Services Trench: Ecological Effects and Management 90 15.1 Construction method 90 15.2 Management of the services trench 90 15.3 Effects on tributary streams 90 15.4 Effects on Favona Wetland 90 15.5 Effects management 91 16.0 Gladstone Open Pit 91 16.1 Proposed Activities 91 16.2 Effects of construction of GOP on Headwater Gully 93 16.3 Effects of construction of GOP on ecological values of Gladstone Wetland 93 16.4 Effects Management for construction of GOP 94 16.5 Effects of GOP TSF on aquatic ecological values 94 16.6 Summary of Effects Assessment on Ecological Values 95 17.0 Effects of Tailings Storage TSF3 on Freshwater Ecology 96 17.1 Proposed Activities 96 17.2 Proposed Water and Sediment Management 98 17.3 Tailings Storage Management Project Activities 99 17.4 Effects on construction of TSF3 on Freshwater Ecological Values 100 17.5 Effects of TSF3 on aquatic ecological values 101 17.6 Summary of Effects Assessment on Ecological Values 103 18.0 Northern Rock Stack Freshwater Impacts 104 18.1 Proposed Activities 104 18.2 Effects on Freshwater Ecological Values 104 18.3 Summary of Effects Assessment on Ecological Values 109 19.0 Discharge From the Water Treatment Plant 109 19.1 Introduction 109 19.2 Ecological Values 110 19.3 Water Management 110 19.4 Proposed Water Management for WNP 111