ii 7.7 Mataura Stream catchment 29 7.8 Stream Ecological Valuation 35 7.9 Summary of Ecological Values 35 8.0 Services Trench 37 8.1 Introduction 37 8.2 Aquatic features along the proposed services trench route 37 9.0 Gladstone Open Pit 39 9.1 Introduction 39 9.2 Gladstone Open Pit Project Activities 40 9.3 Ecological Values 40 10.0 Tailings Storage Management 49 10.1 Introduction 49 10.2 Ecological Values 49 10.3 Significance of Freshwater Ecological Values 53 11.0 Surplus Rock Management (Northern Rock Stack) 54 11.1 Introduction 54 11.2 Ecological Values 54 12.0 Indigenous Biodiversity Significance 58 12.1 Introduction 58 12.2 Freshwater Indigenous Biodiversity Significance 58 12.3 Wetland Indigenous Biodiversity Significance 59 13.0 Water Treatment Plant Reconsenting 59 13.1 Introduction 59 13.2 Water quality guidelines 59 13.3 Water quality and ecology of the Ohinemuri River catchment 61 13.4 Summary of Water Quality of the Ohinemuri River catchment 62 13.5 OGNZL Treated Water Discharge Monitoring 64 13.6 Ecological Condition of the Ohinemuri River at Waihi 67 13.7 Summary of Ecological Values 78 14.0 Wharekirauponga Underground Mine: Ecological Effects and Management 79 14.1 Proposed Activities 79 14.2 Wharekirauponga Stream catchment 82 14.3 Waiharakeke Stream catchment 83