Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Re port_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx Effects of WNP on freshwater values The proposed WNP activities do not result in any permanent loss of streams or natural wetlands. Streams are either replaced within a short timeframe (functional diversions) or returned and rehabilitated at a later date (Mataura Stream tributary 2). The final outcome of the WNP will be an improvement upon those aquatic ecological values than currently present. The overall mitigation for the WNP is conceived as a wholly integrated mitigation ‘package’ that encompasses all aspects of mitigation and offset proposed for landscape and ecological enhancements. Importantly, it is conceived in a manner so that the ‘whole’ is vastly improved from just the ‘sum of its respective components’. Accordingly, the effects of the WNP on aquatic ecological values are low, and the outcome of WNP delivers an overall net gain for aquatic ecological values.