Supporting Technical Assessments

The freshwater habitats surveyed within the Wharekirauponga Stream and Teawaotemutu Stream are of high ecological value. All habitats are classified as significant, providing habitat and migratory pathways to a number of Threatened and At Risk native fish species (WRC 2016). A warm spring (Ca. 19-20oC) emerges from the ground some 5 m from the true right bank of the main stem of the Wharekirauponga Stream between the Thompson and the Edmonds Stream tributaries. The warm spring has a unique chemical signature and results in species intolerant of the specific water quality characteristics, but not so unusual as to produce a unique flora and fauna community. The ecological value is assessed as Low. The Waiharakeke Stream catchment has good instream habitat quality and quantity consisting of an array of different habitats, including, riffles, runs, pools, undercut banks and coarse woody debris. The streams were in a natural state with no modification. The Waiharakeke Stream ecological values of the Waiharakeke Stream were assessed as Very High. At Willows Road Farm the Mataura Stream, a tributary of the Ohinemuri River, and draining from the Coromandel Forest Park has Very High ecological values, while two small tributary streams were subject to intense grazing around their respective catchments and has Low ecological values. The headwater gully at the location of the proposed Gladstone Open Pit is an intermittent watercourse that periodically flows into the Gladstone wetland. Ecological values of this headwater gully are assessed as Low. The Ruahorehore Stream in the area of the proposed TSF3 originates in the Significant Natural Area (SNA) and is fed downstream by a series of artificial drainage channels. Ecological values of the upper Ruahorehore Stream are High, with the presence of native fish and kōura, while values are Low in the lower Ruahorehore Stream. A small tributary (TB1) of the Ohinemuri River occurs at the location of the proposed northern rock stack. This stream is entrenched within a rehabilitated riparian vegetation and has Low ecological values. The water quality and ecological values of the Ohinemuri River have remained Moderate throughout the continuing operations of the Oceana Gold Waihi operations (and antecedent owners) since the re-opening in the 1980s. The river is subject to instream water quality limits that have maintained ecological values over that time. The Ohinemuri River is habitat for a range of native fish and is an important introduced trout fishery.