Estimating the proportion of Archey’s frogs in the Wharekirauponga mine vibration footprint 25 Table 13. Output from closed population log-linear capture-recapture modelling with the function closedp.t in the R-package Rcapture. Models in blue italic font have InfoFit values of 1 indicating they are questionable. a) Wharekirauponga, 24 plots in the vibration footprint. Model N SE deviance df AIC BIC InfoFit Mb 220.9 34.0 7.87 4 43.31 52.34 0 Mbh 198.1 36.4 7.52 3 44.96 57.01 0 Mt 473.9 91.7 8.00 3 45.44 57.49 0 Mth Poisson2 883.6 486.7 6.21 2 45.65 60.71 1 Mth Chao (LB) 534.7 121.4 6.21 2 45.65 60.71 0 Mth Darroch 1,549.0 1512.2 6.21 2 45.65 60.71 1 Mth Gamma3.5 2,840.4 4081.5 6.21 2 45.65 60.71 1 M0 481.5 93.6 14.50 5 47.95 53.97 0 Mh Darroch 1,544.2 1507.0 12.77 4 48.22 57.25 1 Mh Gamma3.5 2,797.3 4015.9 12.77 4 48.22 57.25 1 Mh Chao (LB) 543.1 123.9 12.77 4 48.22 57.25 0 Mh Poisson2 890.3 491.1 12.77 4 48.22 57.25 1 b) Wharekirauponga, 22 plots in M1, n5 vegetation type. Model N SE Deviance df AIC BIC InfoFit Mb 204.3 28.8 8.04 4 43.33 52.24 0 Mbh 179.6 26.2 7.35 3 44.64 56.52 0 Mt 438.9 84.3 8.04 3 45.33 57.20 0 Mth Chao (LB) 493.3 111.2 6.35 2 45.63 60.48 0 Mth Poisson2 797.2 434.5 6.35 2 45.63 60.48 1 Mth Darroch 1,365.3 1,322.1 6.35 2 45.63 60.48 1 Mth Gamma3.5 2,446.4 3,496.4 6.35 2 45.63 60.48 1 M0 447.2 86.3 15.57 5 48.86 54.80 0 Mh Chao (LB) 502.4 113.9 13.95 4 49.24 58.15 0 Mh Gamma3.5 2,395.7 3,419.0 13.95 4 49.24 58.15 1 Mh Poisson2 803.6 438.7 13.95 4 49.24 58.15 1 Mh Darroch 1,357.9 1,313.9 13.95 4 49.24 58.15 1 b) Mahikirua – 8 plots. Model N SE Deviance df AIC BIC InfoFit Mb 32.6 5.8 2.32 4 26.85 30.73 0 M0 64.5 22.7 5.26 5 27.78 30.37 1 Mh Chao (LB) 64.5 22.7 5.26 5 27.78 30.37 1 Mbh 39.5 30.5 2.10 3 28.62 33.81 0 Mt 61.9 21.4 2.14 3 28.66 33.85 1 Mth Chao (LB) 61.9 21.4 2.14 3 28.66 33.85 1 Mh Darroch 27.0 0.0 4.60 4 29.12 33.01 1 Mh Poisson2 27.0 15.9 4.60 4 29.12 33.01 1 Mh Gamma3.5 27.0 0.0 4.60 4 29.12 33.01 0 Mth Gamma3.5 27.0 0.0 1.50 2 30.03 36.51 0 Mth Poisson2 27.0 15.2 1.50 2 30.03 36.51 1 Mth Darroch 27.0 0.0 1.50 2 30.03 36.51 1