Supporting Technical Assessments

Estimating the proportion of Archey’s frogs in the Wharekirauponga mine vibration footprint 10 Abundance Estimates from Re-analysis of Capture-recapture Data from Hotham (2019) Hotham (2019)[5] used capture-recapture with photographic identification of individuals to investigate the effect of past vegetation disturbance on populations of Archey’s frogs at two sites in the Coromandel Peninsula (Figure 7): Wharekirauponga Stream catchment and in forest along Mahakirau Road, west of Whitianga. The study involved searches of sixteen pairs of randomly located 10x10 m plots on three consecutive nights. Paired plots were 20 m apart, with one of pair in previously disturbed habitat and the other in undisturbed habitat. The study did not detect any significant difference between frog populations in disturbed and undisturbed forest. Because Hotham (2019) did not provide frog density estimates for the study areas, I re-analysed data from the study to obtain frog density estimates for the two areas and the dominant vegetation types in the areas (Table 6). Figure 7. Location of areas with plots used to estimate Archey’s frog abundance in the Coromandel Peninsula.