Estimating the proportion of Archey’s frogs in the Wharekirauponga mine vibration footprint 9 Table 5. Published population density estimates (ha-1) for Archeys frogs. Est. is a robust population estimate; Inx. is an index count; Min. N. is the minimum number of uniquely identified frogs in an area; Count is counts of the average number of frogs found during daytime searches of refuges within an area; C-R is a capture-recapture estimate; Count/p is the average of replicate night-time counts in a sample of plots divided by an estimate of frog detection probability. See the text for more details. Source Type Density (ha-1) Year(s) Location Veg. Type Altitude Survey Capture ID Estimate SE 1) Est. Min. N. 2,000–18,100 1982–93 Tapu Ridge N3a, n2 400–600 Day No No 2) Inx. Count 1,456 1995 Tapu Ridge N3a, n2 400–600 Day No No 3) Est. C-R 43,300 ±3,200 1984–94 Tapu Ridge N3a, n2 400–500 Day Yes Toe- 5,300 ±800 1996–2002 clip 4) Inx. Count 120 1998 Moehau M5 & N2, n3a 500–600 Day No No 330 1998 Whareorino N3a 5) Est. C-R 10,370 ±1,650 2004–05 Whareorino N3a Night Yes Photo Sources: 1) Bell, 1994 ; 2) Perfect & Bell, 2005; 3) Bell et al, 2004; 4) Thorsen, 1998; 5) Haigh et al, 2007.