Estimating the proportion of Archey’s frogs in the Wharekirauponga mine vibration footprint 1 Archey’s Frog Distribution in the Coromandel Peninsula Information on Archey’s frog distribution in the Coromandel Peninsula is held in the Amphibian & Reptile Distribution Scheme, in DOC’s BioWeb Herpetofauna database. The 2019 version of the database includes 437 geo-referenced records of Archey’s frog sightings in the Coromandel Peninsula. The records go back to 1862, but most (93%) records are from sightings in the last forty years. Because the scheme is not based on formal surveys with representative sampling strategies and does not include information on where searchers found no frogs, the database does not provide a reliable account of the species distribution[1]. However, because it is the only information on Archey’s frog distribution in the Coromandel, I used it for a preliminary investigation of the species distribution and habitat preferences at a landscape level. I first removed fifty-six records from the database because they were duplicates or had coordinates that did not fit their location descriptions, leaving 381 records. Figure 1. Map showing the locations of Archey’s frog sightings in the Coromandel Peninsula recorded in the Amphibian & Reptile Distribution Scheme up to 2019. The habitat area shown on the map is an almost contiguous area of native vegetation >200 m a.s.l. along Coromandel’s axial mountain range. Light green shaded areas are areas with records of Archey’s frog sightings, dark green shaded areas are without records.