Estimating the proportion of Archey’s frogs in the Wharekirauponga mine vibration footprint ii Summary Information on Archey’s frog distribution from 381 records of Archey’s frog sightings in the Amphibian & Reptile Distribution Scheme provided a preliminary estimate of the species distribution range in the Coromandel Peninsula. Most records were from a 578 km2 block of almost contiguous native habitat ≥200 m (a.s.l.) along Coromandel Peninsula’s axial mountain range. Population estimates were obtained from five different areas and seven different habitat types within the species Coromandel distribution range as well as from the predicted vibration footprint of the proposed Wharekirauponga mine. The population estimates were from nocturnal surveys using either capture-recapture with photographic identification of individuals, or replicate plot counts adjusted by an estimated average detection probability for nocturnal surveys obtained from two capture-recapture studies and an occupancy modelling study of Archey’s frogs. Our best estimate for the total Coromandel Archey’s frog population is 54.8 million frogs. This is several orders of magnitude greater than a previous estimated total NZ population of 5,000 to 20,000 mature frogs1 in the NZ Native Frog Recovery Plan and the 2013 and 2018 reports on the conservation status of NZ frogs. Although our population estimate is based on sparse data and untested assumptions, it is the best estimate possible with available data and is more credible than the 5,000 to 20,000 estimate. A more reliable estimate than ours would require a well designed study programme with extensive and intensive field work. Archey’s frog density estimates from a capture-recapture study provide estimates of 289,887 (CI95%: 202,373–373,364) frogs in the predicted ≥2 mm sec-1 vibration footprint of the Wharekirauponga mine and 149,932 (CI95%: 104,669–193,107) in the predicted ≥4 mm sec-1 vibration footprint. These estimates are respectively 0.53% (CI95%: 0.33%–0.72%) and 0.27% (CI95%: 0.17%–0.37%) of the estimated 54.8 million Archey’s frogs on the Coromandel Peninsula. 1 The New Zealand Threat Classification System website wrongly cites the 2018 conservation status of NZ amphibians as providing a population estimate of 20,000–100,000 Archey’s frogs instead of 5,000–20,000.