Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 3: Predator management program for camp Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package Appendix 3: Predator management program for camp Note: Check traps and replace bait once per week when known predator activity is apparent around camps, change bait type if still no capture. Reduce frequency of checks to every 2 weeks if activity has reduced and target species capture is successful * monitor as per monitoring schedule for the main Management Plan or when target species activity is notable around camp. Species Control device Number of devices Notes Monitoring* Rat DOC200 D-rat trap Rat & mouse specific bait station At least 5 devices 25 m apart around the camp. Space traps evenly around camp and key areas of rat activity 2 to 3 directly outside walls or inside camp Bait with either egg, peanut butter or PoaUku long-life rat & stoat lure Use Diphacinone or DoubleTap Use trail cameras around set traps or key areas of rat activity Use chew cards loaded with peanut butter Check bait stations and bait for signs of nibbles Mouse D-rat trap Snap-trap in tunnel box Rat & mouse specific bait station At least 5 devices every 10 m within camp vicinity. Space traps and bait stations in key areas of mouse activity 2 to 3 directly outside walls or inside camp Bait with peanut butter Use Diphacinone or DoubleTap Use chew cards loaded with peanut butter Check bait stations and bait for signs of nibbles Possum SA2 Kat trap, Flipping Timmy, etc 2 to 5 devices 25 m apart within camp location. Space traps evenly around camp and strategically on trees with possum sign (scratches) Bait with peanut butter or apple. Use flour/icing sugar blaze spread up the tree trunk below each trap to visually attract possums Use trail cameras around set traps or key areas of possum activity Feral cat SA2 Kat trap Timms trap, etc 2 to 5 devices 25 m within camp location. Space traps evenly around camp and strategically on linear features (e.g. fences) and tracks Bait with pungent bait such as fresh meat or fish, or tinned cat food Use trail cameras around set traps or key areas of cat activity Mustelid Double-set DOC 200 Doc 250 2 to 5 devices 25 m within camp location. Space traps evenly around camp and strategically on linear features (e.g. fences) and tracks Bait with pungent bait such as fresh meat or PoaUku long-life rat & stoat lure Use trail cameras around set traps or key areas of mustelid activity