Supporting Technical Assessments

52 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 Dilks, P., Sjoberg, T., & Murphy, E. C. (2020). Effectiveness of aerial 1080 for control of mammal pests in the Blue Mountains, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 44(2), 1–7. Doherty, T. S., Hall, M. L., Parkhurst, B., & Westcott, V. (2021). Experimentally testing the response of feral cats and their prey to poison baiting. Wildlife Research. Easton, L. (2021). Monitoring outcome report for the relict Herangi Range population of Leiopelma archeyi. Department of Conservation. Egeter, B. (2014). Detecting frogs as prey in the diets of introduced mammals [Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology thesis]. University of Otago. Egeter, B., Robertson, B. C., & Bishop, P. J. (2015). A synthesis of direct evidence of predation on amphibians in New Zealand, in the context of global invasion biology. Herpetological Review, 46(4), 512–519. Egeter, B., Roe, C., Peixoto, S., Puppo, P., Easton, L. J., Pinto, J., Bishop, P. J., & Robertson, B. C. (2019). Using molecular diet analysis to inform invasive species management: A case study of introduced rats consuming endemic New Zealand frogs. Ecology and Evolution, 9(9), 5032–5048. Forsyth, D. M. (2005). Protocol for estimating changes in the relative abundance of deer in New Zealand forests using the Faecal Pellet Index (FPI). Landcare Research Contract Report No LC0506/027. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. Forsyth, D. M., Perry, M., Moloney, P., McKay, M., Gormley, A. M., Warburton, B., Sweetapple, P., & Dewhurst, R. (2018). Calibrating brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) occupancy and abundance index estimates from leg-hold traps, wax tags and chew cards in the Department of Conservation’s Biodiversity and Monitoring Reporting System. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 42(2), 179–191. Fraser, K. W., Parkes, J. P., & Thomson, C. (2003). Management of new deer populations in Northland and Taranaki (Vol. 212). Department of Conservation Wellington, New Zealand. Germano, J., Bridgman, L., Thygesen, H., & Haigh, A. (in press). Age dependant effects of rat control on Archey’s frog (Leiopelma archeyi) survival, recruitment, and abundance in Whareorino Conservation Area, New Zealand. Gillies, C. (2007). Controlling mustelids for conservation in New Zealand. Department of Conservation. Gillies, C. (2021). Interim DOC trail camera guide v1.1.0: Using camera traps to monitor feral cats, mustelids and rats and rats (DOC-5737005). Department of Conservation. Gillies, C., & Brady, M. (2018). Trialling monitoring methods for feral cats, ferrets and rodents in the Whangamarino wetland. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 45(3), 192–212. Gillies, C., Campbell, J., Marsh, N., & Gembitsky, M. (2003). Seasonal differences in bait acceptance by forest-dwelling rats following simulated aerial 1080 possum control