Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 51 Bishop, P. J., Daglish, L. A., Haigh, A., Marshall, L. J., Tocher, M., & McKenzie, K. L. (2013). Native frog (Leiopelma spp.) recovery plan, 2013-2018 (Threatened Species Recovery Plan No. 63). Department of Conservation. Boffa Miskell Ltd. (2018). Best practice guidelines for the use of PredaSTOPTM for feral cat control [Envirolink Medium Advice Grant 1853-HBRC234]. Prepared by Boffa Miskell Ltd for Hawkes Bay Regional Council. Boffa Miskell Ltd. (2021). Waihi North Project - ecological assessment. Volume 2: Ecological effects and management (Report No. BM210482). Prepared by Boffa Miskell Ltd for Oceana Gold (NZ) Ltd. Boffa Miskell Ltd. (2022). Waihi North Project: Terrestrial ecology values and effects (Report No. BM210482). Prepared by Boffa Miskell Ltd for Oceana Gold (NZ) Ltd. Brown, K., Elliott, G., Innes, J., & Kemp, J. (2015). Ship rat, stoat and possum control on mainland New Zealand: An overview of techniques, successes and challenges. Department of Conservation. Brown, K. P., & Urlich, S. C. (2005). Aerial 1080 operations to maximise biodiversity protection (DOC Research & Development Series No. 216). Department of Conservation. Cisternas, J., Easton, L., Germano, J. M., Haigh, A., Gibson, R., Haupokia, N., Hughes, F., Hughes, M., Wehi, P. M., & Bishop, P. J. (2021). Review of two translocations used as a conservation tool for an endemic terrestrial frog, Leiopelma archeyi, in New Zealand. In Global Conservation Translocation Perspectives: 2021: Case Studies from Around the Globe (pp. 56–64). IUCN SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group. Department of Conservation. (2019). Predator Free 2050: A practical guide to trapping. Department of Conservation. Department of Conservation. (2021a). Hedgehogs. Department of Conservation. (2021b). Post SMI Monitor TNM Otahu 2021 Report (21/22 December 2021). Department of Conservation. (2021c). Pre SMI Monitor TNM Otahu 2021 Report (28/29 April 2021). Department of Conservation, Tongariro District Office. (2020). Tongariro Forest Kiwi Sanctuary annual report July 2019 - June 2020. Department of Conservation. Dilks, P., Shapiro, L., Greene, T., Kavermann, M. J., Eason, C. T., & Murphy, E. C. (2011). Field evaluation of para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) for controlling stoats (Mustela erminea) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 38(2), 143–150.