Supporting Technical Assessments

50 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 14.0 References Alterio, N. (1996). Secondary poisoning of stoats (Mustela erminea), feral ferrets (Mustela furo), and feral house cats (Felis catus) by the anticoagulant poison, brodifacoum. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 23(4), 331–338. Alterio, N., & Moller, H. (2000). Secondary poisoning of stoats (Mustela erminea) in a South Island podocarp forest, New Zealand: implications for conservation. Wildlife Research, 27(5), 501–508. Amori, G., & Clout, M. N. (2002). Rodents on islands: A conservation challenge. In Rats, Mice and People: Rodent Biology and Management (pp. 63–68). ACIAR. Auckland Council. (2019). Mahere ā-Rohe Whakahaere Kaupapa Koiora Orotā mō Tāmaki Makaurau 2019-2029 (Auckland Regional Pest Management Plan 2019-2029). Auckland Council. Baber, M., Brejaart, R., Babbitt, K., Lovegrove, T., & Ussher, G. (2009). Response of non-target native birds to mammalian pest control for kokako (Callaeas cinerea) in the Hunua Ranges, New Zealand. Notornis, 56(4), 176–182. Baber, M. J., Babbitt, K. J., Brejaart, R., Ussher, G. T., DiManno, N., & Sexton, G. (2008). Does mammalian pest control benefit New Zealand’s Hochstetter’s frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri). Proceedings of the Conserv ‐ Vision Conference, University of Waikato, 2-4 July 2007. Baber, M., Moulton, H., Smuts‐Kennedy, C., Gemmell, N., & Crossland, M. (2006). Discovery and spatial assessment of a Hochstetter’s frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri) population found in Maungatautari Scenic Reserve, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 33(2), 147–156. Barlow, N. D., & Goldson, S. L. (2002). Alien invertebrates in New Zealand. In Biological Invasions: Economic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant, Animal, and Microbe Species (pp. 195–216). CRC Press. Beggs, J. R. (2001). The ecological consequences of social wasps (Vespula spp.) invading an ecosystem that has an abundant carbohydrate resource. Biological Conservation, 99(1), 17–28. Beggs, J. R., & Rees, J. S. (1999). Restructuring of Lepidoptera communities by introduced Vespula wasps in a New Zealand beech forest. Oecologia, 119(4), 565–571. Bellingham, P. J., Towns, D. R., Cameron, E. K., Davis, J. J., Wardle, D. A., Wilmshurst, J. M., & Mulder, C. P. H. (2010). New Zealand island restoration: Seabirds, predators, and the importance of history. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 34(1), 115.