Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 49 Each annual report (submitted by end of June each year) needs to include (TBC, as per the consent conditions): • A summary of all pest control (plant and animal) activities undertaken within the BMP area in the preceding 12 months, detailing dates, and methods of each control activity: • Maps of control devices/area, labelled by type; • Summaries of trap catch statistics by species (both target and any non-target catch), including by trap type, trap location, lure type as well as CCI of rats, possums, and mustelids, with comparison to management targets and thresholds for additional control; • Summaries of results of toxic control operations, including target species, bait type and bait take; • Any trends in the data, such as high-catch/high bait-take locations, the main species caught and comparisons to previous years; • Incursions and incursion responses within the pest exclusion fence; and • Any challenges/issues encountered in undertaking control or monitoring, and how these difficulties were overcome or if they remain ongoing;