48 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 13.0 Data management and reporting 13.1 Data management Data recording will align with PF2050’s Data Standards. The quick read guide to the Data Standards, and the Master Lookup Spreadsheet with value names, is available at https://pf2050.co.nz/data-standards/ . The one-page schema diagram of mandatory and optional data required by the Data Standards is also provided in Appendix 2. All control data (for pest plants and pest animals, including both trapping and toxic control), as well as all monitoring data, need to be entered into a single, cohesive data management system as soon after field work as possible. TrapNZ is the recommended platform, as it is widely used across New Zealand, user friendly, and is able to record spatial distribution of traps and catches. The data management system needs to be set up as soon as possible. The GPS waypoints of all ground-truthed traps and their type need to be entered into the system. This includes traps that are either pre-existing or those deployed as per this Strategy. All contractors and other persons undertaking pest control need to record all trapping data on the selected system. Each person/group that needs to access the system, will need an account and be instructed on how to enter the required information correctly. For each trap check, all data needs to be accurate and complete, as per the minimum information to be recorded below: ● Date of trap servicing & time taken to complete trap/bait station servicing; ● Name of the trap servicer; ● Device location, unique identifier, model type and model name; ● Lure type and whether the lure was refreshed; ● Whether the trap has been triggered (trap status); ● Trap catch (species); and if possible/relevant: sex and age of individual, number of individuals, or record trap catch as zero if nothing is caught; ● Bait type and quantity deployed (for bait stations); ● General comments (e.g. if trap needs fixing or replacing, if bait is gone). Maintaining accurate and precise records of both pest control and pest monitoring are crucial to evaluate the success of predator control at each site. Spatial and temporal trends in pest populations and catch rates can be identified in the analysis of this data, which can then inform future animal pest management decisions. 13.2 Data reporting An annual animal pest management report will be prepared by the pest animal manager appointed by OceanaGold Ltd.