Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 45 Mustelids (stoats and ferrets) A combination of camera trap indices (<5 detections per 2000 CH) and catch rates, based on DOC best-practice1 >5 detections per 2000 CH1 monitoring using automated technology Feral cats A combination of camera trap indices (<5 detections per 2000 CH) and catch rates, based on DOC best-practice1 >5 detections per 2000 CH1 Ungulates Zero density Any observation (incl. sign) 1 These numbers are based on the draft DOC best-practice guidelines for targets and thresholds for mustelids and feral cats using camera trap indices, DOC does not yet have recommended targets for camera trap indices for these species. The completion of the new DOC best practice guidelines is expected in 2024 and these targets can be updated at that stage. 12.3 Response to exceedance of targets If monitoring identifies that the thresholds for control targets have not been achieved, this will trigger a requirement for further control. This use of thresholds facilitates adaptive management and ensures that pest populations are continuously and effectively suppressed. See Table 6 for the response measures to be undertaken for threshold exceedance for each target species. Table 6. Summary of threshold exceedance response measures including additional control for each target pest species. Species Threshold % Exceedance response measures Mice ≥10% CCI (yearround) • Trap checks and rebaiting of snap-traps in DOC traps and D-rat traps needs to increase to once every two weeks, if not already at this interval • Up to three additional ground-based toxic control operations will be repeated per year where possible (i.e. where bait station networks targeting rats and mice have been established), as per the methods outlined in this Strategy) • Additional aerial 1080 control operation (likely only to occur if multiple pest species targets are in excess of the threshold/s for multiple consecutive monitors). A follow-up monitor 4 weeks after the start of any additional toxic control operations needs to occur to determine whether the mouse population has been successfully reduced to below the threshold. Rats ≥ 5% CCI (NovFeb); ≥10% (Mar-Oct) • Additional aerial control operation or switch to a novel or new toxin such as norbormide. • Up to three additional ground-based toxic control operations will be repeated per year where possible (i.e. where bait station networks targeting rats have been established), as per the methods outlined in this Strategy) • Trap checks and rebaiting of DOC traps and D-rat traps needs to increase to once every two weeks, if not already at this interval.