Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 43 11.0 Proposed pest control and monitoring schedule Table 4. Proposed timing of control operations and monitoring for target species at Wharekirauponga. *Increase frequency of trap checks to twice per month between August and March (inclusive) and when frogs are more active and any month when target species threshold is exceeded ** Increase frequency of baiting up to 4 x per year when target species threshold is exceeded Year Months Target species Proposed control Frequency Notes 1 (and every 3 years following) June- November Possums, Rats Mice, Hedgehogs Mustelids, Feral cats 1080 Aerial application In year 1, and every 3 years following as required Prefeed aerial drop twice with non-toxic pellets to improve efficacy. Repeat every three years (or as monitoring deems necessary based on pest thresholds). 1 n/a All except ungulates Deploy trap and bait station network n/a Deploy bait station and trap network prior to 1080 drop. 1 + Year round All except ungulates Service traps (check, reset and rebait traps) 1 x /month or 2 x /month* Trapping will commence after the aerial application, once per month. Increase to twice per month if target species thresholds are exceeded or when frog activity is high, and during summer. Aim to check all predator traps in same window of time to minimise disturbance 2 + March-May (Autumn) & SeptemberNovember (Spring) Possums Rats Ground-based toxic baiting in Philproof bait stations 2 x / year or up to 4 x / year** Toxic baiting will commence one year after any 1080 aerial application or if target species thresholds are exceeded. Based on DoubleTap baiting regime; Over a 2-week period: Day 1: deploy bait, Day 3: refill if required, Day 7: refill if required, Day 14: remove remaining bait All Year round Ungulates Professional hunting Monthly or as detected Stand down periods for hunting with dogs may be required in some areas following aerial or ground control operations using toxins. Year Months Target species Proposed monitoring Frequency Notes 1 (and every 3 years following) TBD Possums, Rats Mustelids, Feral cats Monitor with chew cards and camera monitoring Before and after 1080 aerial application Post-monitor 3 – 6 weeks after aerial drop (to coincide with fine weather) 3 + February, May, August November All Chew card and camera monitoring 4 x / year Months can be shifted to follow aerial toxic applications, targeted toxic applications or 4 weeks after additional control measures for threshold exceedance species