Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 11 3.0 Definitions, Assessment Criteria and Statutory Obligations 3.1 Introduction In this section we comment on the relevant statutory definitions to be applied to ecological features of the WNP and appraise the criteria to be applied in assessing significant indigenous vegetation and/or habitats of indigenous fauna. We emphasise that this section is not a statutory assessment. In this section we make reference to: • WRC RPS • HDC Plan • Wildlife Act (1953) and RMA obligations 3.2 Waikato Regional Council RPS The Waikato Regional Council (WRC) RPS sets out the criteria for identifying areas of significant indigenous biodiversity and their characteristics as they exist at the time the criteria are being applied (WRC 2016). Criteria may be specific to a habitat type including water, land or airspace or be more inclusive to address connectivity, or movement of species across habitat types. The criteria are provided in Appendix 1. The significance of ecological habitat within the proposed project footprint was evaluated using the ‘Criteria for determining significance of indigenous biodiversity’ in Section 11A of the RPS. This criteria states that “To be identified as significant an area needs to meet one or more of the criteria identified in the table below” (i.e. in Table 11-1 of the RPS (Appendix 1)). Vegetation, habitats and ecosystems within CFP (above the WUG) meet multiple criteria for determining significance (described in Section 5.7). Terrestrial biodiversity values in the WUG works footprint outside of CFP (i.e. Willows Road Farm) do not meet RPS significance criteria. 3.3 Hauraki District Plan The WUG is located below predominantly rimu-tawa forest in CFP. This land is also classified as SNA T13 P152 (HDP 2019), a large SNA which adjoins the property at Willows Road. Point 7(h) in Section 6.2.1 of the District Plan also states that if an area of indigenous habitat that is not listed as an SNA due to a lower ecological ranking, it can still be environmentally important and therefore adverse effects on it should be avoided, remedied or mitigated as appropriate.