Supporting Technical Assessments

28 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 used needs to be recorded and entered into the selected data management system (Section 13.0) to allow analysis of which lures are most effective for each target species. Changing between lure types (e.g. every 3 months), may help to increase trapping success by targeting individuals with differing preferences. Using multiple different lures, such as both rabbit and an egg, will also likely attract a wider range of target species and individuals of the same target species with differing preferences. 7.6 Trap servicing protocols & frequency 7.6.1 Kill traps Trapping should occur year-round throughout the WAPMA to provide for continued suppression of pests. The frequency of trap checks varies depending on trap type and the time of year. All kill traps should be checked once per month year-round, increasing to twice monthly between August and March (inclusive), when frogs are more active and when target population threshold are exceeded for a particular species (see Section 12.2). Care will need to be taken to use the same tracks and routes for trap checks to avoid trampling disturbance, trap checks should only be undertaken during daylight when frogs are less active. All traps need to be regularly checked, reset and re-baited when required, and always maintained to a high standard to ensure that: 1. Lures do not become depleted or rotten; 2. The trap is regularly tested to ensure it is mechanically sound including checking for worn pivots and weakened springs and that its set to the correct trigger weight; 3. Access to traps remains open i.e. the trap has not become overgrown, and if so, any obstructing vegetation is either sprayed or cut back; 4. Traps are secured to the ground with wire to prevent being disturbed and removed by pigs and possums; and 5. Traps are clean and free of algal growth or other substances/debris that may make it unattractive to the target animal. During routine trap checks, triggered traps should be cleared, reset, and rebaited with fresh bait. Untriggered traps should be set off, reset, and rebaited with fresh bait. Once per year in spring, all traps must be audited, comprising a full clean (e.g. with a wire brush to remove mould, fur and other debris) and ‘warrant of fitness’ test according to the checklist in Appendix 1.