Supporting Technical Assessments

26 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 instead their movements are influenced by prey abundance, population abundance and importantly by key habitat features and preferred movement corridors. Rats and mustelids tend to move along waterways and linear features including along habitat boundaries, tracks, and fence lines, so placing traps along these features often increases catch rate. Table 3. Summary of control tools and spacing for each target species at Wharekirauponga. * Also targets hedgehogs ** Use bait stations on existing trap lines Target species Control tool Spacing Notes Rat DOC200* Double-set DOC200* DOC250* D-rat Toxin in bait station** • 100 m grid (DOC 200s/Double-set) • 200 m grid (DOC 250) • 50 m intervals on tracks, rivers, ridgelines and perimeter • 100 m grid (D-rat trap offset by 50 m on every DOC trap) • 100 m grid across all available habitat Alternate trap types along lines, use same location as feral cat/possum traps (ensure DOC250 every second trap). Can use same bait for mustelids and rodents. Alternate D-rat trap in tree and in tunnel on ground (set to mouse sensitivity level) Refer to Map 5 Simultaneously controls possums and mice Refer to Map 4 Mouse D-rat trap (mouse setting) Snap-trap inside DOC200 & DOC250 traps Toxin in bait station** • 50 m grid (D-rat trap offset by 50 m every 100 m on the grid) • Snap-trap to be placed inside every DOC200 & DOC250, apart from those along rivers • 100 m grid across all available habitat Alternate D-rat traps on trees an in tunnels on ground, all traps set to mouse sensitivity level Snap trap to be placed inside DOC traps Refer to Map 5 Simultaneously controls possums and rats Refer to Map 4 Feral cat SA2 Kat trap Timms trap • 200 m intervals on tracks rivers and ridges • 100 m intervals along on perimeter Alternate trap types and bait types to target cats and possums separately. Alternate side of tracks, but keep same side for rivers. Refer to Map 6 Possum SA2 Kat trap Flipping Timmy Toxin in bait station** • 200 m intervals on tracks, rivers and ridges • 100 m intervals on perimeter • 100 m grid • 100 m on perimeter Alternate trap types and bait types to target cats and possums separately. Simultaneously controls rats and mice Refer to Map 6 Refer to Map 4 Mustelid DOC200* Double-set DOC200* DOC250* • 100 m grid (DOC 200’s/Doubleset) • 200 m grid (DOC 250) • 50 m intervals on perimeter Alternate trap types along lines, use same location as feral cat/possum traps (ensure DOC250 every third trap). Can use same bait for mustelids and rodents Refer to Map 7