Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 21 6.3 Frequency & timing All toxic control operations need to be conducted by a suitably experienced and qualified contractor. An aerial 1080 operation will occur to provide for initial pest suppression in Year 1 and potentially every 3 years thereafter (depending on target pest densities based on monitoring data). In Year 2 onwards (following the aerial 1080 drop), a ground-based toxic operation should occur twice per year in spring and autumn if rodent or possum numbers are above the threshold (unless a subsequent aerial 1080 operation occurs in any given year). This timing aims to suppress target populations before (or early in) the main native fauna breeding season, and to further reduce population numbers of survivors before winter, thus offering the maximum biodiversity benefits for the required effort, while reducing the amount of toxins deployed in the environment. If asubsequent monitoring shows that rodent or possum presence is above the target threshold for rodents or possums, an additional control operation should be carried out within two weeks and toxic operations will increase to three times per year until the rodent and possum presence has reduced below the threshold. Pest targets and thresholds are given in Section 12.0. Each toxic control operation should last 2 weeks (not including any pre-feeding, if required). After toxic bait is deployed on day 1, the amounts of bait in each bait station should be checked on days 3 and 7, and topped up if required (for diphacinone; cholecalciferol operations may require more frequent top-ups if bait take is high to ensure target animals are able to ingest a lethal dose). After each toxic control operation, bait stations and all remaining bait will need to be brought in to reduce the risk to non-target species and the risk of target species receiving a sub-lethal dose and becoming bait-shy.