Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 17 • Putting public notices in the local papers before the operation; • Identifying drinking water supplies within the area to exclude or temporarily close and to support water testing shortly after the operation; • Working with Public Health Officers from the local District Health Board to minimise any risks and protect public safety; and • Applying for permission under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. A draft operational plan will be developed for consultation, followed by a detailed operational plan for the aerial application of bait detailing the exact timing, personnel involved, bait quantities required, hand-sowing areas, flight plans, and other operational aspects will be developed prior to the eradication. 5.3 Standard protocols Standard protocols for the aerial application of cereal pellets containing the anticoagulant toxin 1080 via helicopter are well established in New Zealand. There are several best practice guidelines which will be followed, and the procedures integrated into the operational planning. Guideline documents to be followed include DOC’s guidelines for aerial 1080 drops for biodiversity benefit (K. P. Brown & Urlich, 2005), and the current industry guideline document available from the Bionet website (National Pest Control Agencies, 2018a), and other relevant guidelines as they are released. Note some information in the current industry guideline document is out of date regarding current legislative requirements. Part 3 of the industry guidelines contains information on the requirements for working with 1080, including legislative controls on 1080, training and licences, storage, record keeping and reporting, road transport, communication, permissions under HSNO, handling and use, operational signage, emergency management, incident management, and disposal. Part 4 of the industry guidelines covers the operational steps and requirements. Best practice for the operational delivery of aerial 1080 will also be followed. Protocols are available from Landcare Research for both possums (Landcare Research Ltd, n.d.) and rats (Landcare Research Ltd, n.d.). In summary: • To target both rats and possums, RS5 cereal pellets (20 mm, mean wt. 12 g) containing 0.15% 1080 should be used, made as per factory specifications. Baits should be lured with cinnamon as per factory specifications and can be ordered with EPRO deer repellent if required. Toxic baits must be dyed green as per factory specifications. • Pre-feeding should be conducted for best results, using the same type of bait as the toxic bait. It should not contain green dye but should contain the lure. Pre-feed should be applied at the rate of 2kg/ha approximately 10 days prior to the toxic bait being applied, with a minimum of 5 days between prefeed and toxic. • Toxic bait should be applied at a rate of 2 - 3 kg/ha. Reasons for going over 3 kg/ha are: high numbers of possums or other animals likely to consume bait, or steep/rugged terrain. • Flight lines for the toxic bait should follow the same path as the prefeed flight lines, and there should be no gaps in coverage if possible. • Toxic bait should be applied during a weather forecast of at least 2 fine nights postdrop. 16 mm RS5 baits begin to disintegrate after 5 mm of rain, and about 40% of the 1080 leaches out of the baits after 10mm of rain.