Supporting Technical Assessments

!( !( Waihi Whangamata Rd Waihi Whangamata Rd GoldenCross Rd Willows Rd Corbett Rd 25 25 Waitek auri River Wa l msley St ream Waiharak eke Stream Whakamoehau Stream Walmsley Stream Whirit oa Stream Mataora Stream Ohinemuri R iver Kathleen Stream Teawaotemutu St ream Cascade Stream Mataura Stream GraceDarling Stream Edmonds Stream Thompson Stream Stony Stream Maratoto Stream Ratarua S tream Waipaheke Stream Junction Stream Ramarama Stream Wai h arakekeStream Ri gh t Branch BarneysStream WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Indicative Wharekirauponga Vent Raise Locations Date: 21 February 2022 | Revision: 1 Plan prepared for Oceana Gold by Boffa Miskell Limited Project Manager: [email protected] | Drawn: BMc | Checked: KMu Fi le Ref: BM210482_ECO_03_A3L_ShaftSiteLocations.mxd 0 800 m 1:30,000 @A3 Projection: NZGD 2000 New Zealand Transverse Mercator Data Sources: Waterways and Roads sourced from LNZ data service Proposed Infrastructure sourced from Oceana Gold LIDAR sourced from WRC ° This plan has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our Client's use in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Any use or reliance by a third party is at that party's own risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed that it is accurate. No liability or responsibility is accepted by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided by the Client or any external source. !( Tunnel Portal Willows Rock Stack Willows Road Site Project Area Proposed Tunnel Envelope (Underground) Wharekirauponga Walk Vent raises 2-5 located in this zone Road Parcels Cadastre LEGEND Figure 3