6 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Pest Animal Management Plan | Wharekirauponga Compensation Package | 30 May 2022 2021. Rat tracking indices before the aerial application were 71% TTI, and dropped to 4% TTI on 22 December 2021 following the application (Department of Conservation, 2021c, 2021b). Although there have been no other official instances of monitoring undertaken outside of DOC work, there have been multiple field observations of feral pigs, rats, and possums within the Wharekirauponga area. There is localised control for rats and stoats with Goodnature traps around camps and drill sites. 1.7 Purpose and scope of this Plan This Wharekirauponga Animal Pest Management Plan (WAPMP) sets out the methods that will be used to control mammalian pests (i.e. rats, mice, mustelids, possums, feral cats, and ungulates) at specified sites and as part of the package to address the residual ecological effects associated with the Project, in particular relating to Archey’s frogs. In particular, the WAPMP covers: • Target pest species information (rats, mice, possums, mustelids, hedgehogs, feral cats, pigs, and goats); • Animal pest management areas (Map 1), namely (1) within the area potentially impacted by vibrations, and (2) within an adjacent area of high-quality frog habitat • Protocols for toxic aerial baiting; • Protocols for ongoing predator trapping, including trap types, locations, lures, and servicing frequencies; • Protocols for ongoing ground based toxic baiting, including bait type and control frequencies, primarily for targeting rats and possums as well as suggestions for toxic feral cat and stoat control • Protocols for ongoing control of ungulates; • Pest animal monitoring protocols; • Timing and duration of control; • Performance standards of pest animal control, with targets and thresholds for additional control based on monitoring results; and • Data management and reporting protocols tied to long-term frog population monitoring, to determine success of the predator control programme as adequate offset for the WNP Project (i.e. the programme successfully counterbalances residual adverse impacts).