14.0 References 50 Appendices Appendix 1: Trap audit checklist Appendix 2: PF2050 Data Standards Schema Diagram Appendix 3: Predator management program for camp Figures Fig. 1. Example of mouse trap placement inside DOC trap. ........................25 Fig. 2. Application of Vespex wasp bait in Wasptek bait stations.................34 Fig. 3. Camera trap set-up with the lure (comprising 150 g fresh rabbit meat between two pieces of Connovation’s Erayz wrapped in chicken wire) pegged to the ground c.60cm in front of the device. Image from DOC’s interim camera trapping guidelines (Gillies, 2021). ............................................................40 Tables Table 1. Likelihood of occurrence and potential effects on frogs and frog habitat of potential adverse effects that may be associated with the WUG project. Estimates of loss are independent between rows (i.e. not cumulative). Summarised from Ussher (2022). .................................................2 Table 2. Summary of case studies of predator control impacts on frog populations. Note areas are approximations only, and some boundaries are not well-defined. ...................................................5 Table 3. Summary of control tools and spacing for each target species at Wharekirauponga. ...................................................................26 Table 4. Proposed timing of control operations and monitoring for target species at Wharekirauponga.............................................43 Table 5. Summary of management targets, thresholds for initiating additional control and monitoring frequency for each target pest species within each pest control area. ................................44 Table 6. Summary of threshold exceedance response measures including additional control for each target pest species............45