Supporting Technical Assessments

Executive Summary The Waihi North Project comprises several components to expand the Waihi operation with a new open pit (Gladstone Open Pit) and one new underground mine, Wharekirauponga (WUG). This document briefly outlines a proposed animal pest management programme and associated habitat enhancement for Archey’s frogs in the Wharekirauponga Animal Pest Management Area (WAPMA). This programme has been developed to address any potential impacts of vibrations on frogs (although it is noted that these impacts, if any, are currently unknown). The control programme outlined in this report is expected to benefit the resident frog population both by removing direct predation risk, as well as providing benefits via the habitat enhancement that comes from comprehensive and adaptive pest control. Substantial wider biodiversity gains on native flora and fauna will also occur. The WAPMA (632 ha) encompasses both the potential vibration impacted area (314 ha) and an adjacent area of high-quality frog habitat (318 ha). This report outlines the intensive pest control regime within this area, including: • Target species; • Control device spacings and service frequency (traps and bait stations); • Aerial 1080 protocols; • Hunting protocols (for ungulate control); • Monitoring methods; • Duration and timing of control; • Control targets and thresholds; and • Data management and reporting protocols. The immediately adjacent Otahu Ecological Area (approximately 700 ha) is also proposed to have an enhanced pest control regime put in place (however, specific methods for pest control within the Otahu Ecological Area will be developed separately and are not covered in this report). As this pest management plan is focussed on biodiversity enhancement for offsetting purposes, it excludes pest invertebrates (with the exception of wasps), pest plant species, pathogens (i.e. kauri die back, myrtle rust) and herpetofauna (i.e. plague skinks).