Supporting Technical Assessments

21 OGNZ WUG mine: assessment of potential ecological effects Project 2034 · GWS Limited. 14 June 2022. Waihi North Project: Assessment of groundwater effects. Prepared for OceanaGold Corporation. Doc Ref WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0030_Final Rev 0. · Lloyd, B. 2022. Estimating the proportion of the Coromandel’s Archey’s frog population in the area affected by vibrations from the proposed Wharekirauponga Mine. Report prepared for OGNZL. 26 May 2022. · Bioresearches, 2022. Vibration effects on amphibians (Leipelmatid frogs). Report prepared for OGNZL by Van Winkel, D, 23 May 2022. · Boffa Miskell. 30 May 2022. Pest Animal Management Plan: Wharekirauponga compensation package. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Ltd for Oceana Gold NZ.