Supporting Technical Assessments

20 OGNZ WUG mine: assessment of potential ecological effects Project 2034 Attachment A Reports from OGNZL that were reviewed to assess design matters relating to potential adverse effects on Archey’s frogs. · Mitchell Daysh Limited, Waihi North Project – Resource Consent Applications and Assessment of Environmental Effects, dated June 2022 01. · Beca. 8 July 2021. Project WNP – Exploration and connection tunnels: Draft air quality management plan. Prepared for OGNZL. · Beca. 8 July 2021. Waihi North Project air discharge assessment – Exploration and connection tunnels. Prepared for OGNZL. · Beca. 14 July 2021. Waihi North Project – summary report of air discharge assessments. Prepared for OGNZL. · Beca. 14 June 2022. Waihi North Project – Air Discharge Assessment – Wharekirauponga Underground Mine. Prepared for OGNZL. · Boffa Miskell. 16 July 2021. Waihi North Project: Volume 1: Ecological methods and values. Prepared for OGNZL. · Boffa Miskell. 9 August 2021. Waihi North Project: Volume 2: Ecological effects and management. Prepared for OGNZL. · Ozvent Consulting. July 2020. Wharekirauponga access tunnel ventilation study. Report prepared for OceanaGold Corporation. · Ozvent Consulting. December 2020. Wharekirauponga access tunnel miscellaneous ventilation topics. Report prepared for OceanaGold Corporation. · Marshall Day Acoustics. 17 June 2022. Oceana Gold New Zealand – Waihi North Project:: assessment of noise effects. Report prepared for Oceana Gold (NZ) Ltd. · Vibration analysis work undertaken by John Heilig (and OGNZL) o Assessment of traffic induced vibration (8 September 2021) – comparison of mine blasting and road traffic measurements at Coromandel roads to assess similarly of vibration experienced by roadside Archey’s frog populations o WKP mine modelled blasting vibration effects at surface with vibration contours. Series of drawings showing modelled surface vibration over time and depth for the proposed WKP mine workings. o Golden Cross mine modelled blasting vibration effects at surface with vibration contours. Series of drawings showing modelled surface vibration over time and depth for the Golden Cross mine workings when it was operational, and in relation to surveyed Hochstetter’s frog populations prior to, during and following mining activities at that site. o Assessment of WUG vibration modelling, frequency histograms, background to underground mining (25 Feb 2022). · Tonkin & Taylor. June 2022. Assessment of mine vent air quality impacts to inform assessment of ecological effects on Archey’s frog. Report prepared for OGNZL.