Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 57 LOCATION SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT Work and Income*, Ministry of Social Development, Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki*, Wahi Community Resource Centre*, Hauraki District Council*, Waihi Community Forum*, OGNZL* The social challenges identified were: • Housing • Roles for mana whenua • Support for youth • Drug, and alcohol issues • Need for local buy-in Logistical challenges identified: • Funding • Job requirements of the mine (age, health, etc.) • Provision of Training opportunities • Housing Other: • Competition with other industries for skills • Perceptions of mining/environmental impact • Attracting or retaining young people in Waihi The outcome was a resolution that there was a need for a co-ordinated effort with inputs from a variety of organisations. The information gathered at the Focus Group would be used to formulate a recommendation in the Social Impact Assessment regarding Skills Development and Training and the discussion would be led further by OGNZL. The first step would be the development of a skills matrix to understand workplace requirements and skills needed and input would be obtained from all parties into the skills matrix and the support they could provide.