Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 50 GROUP SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT- POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED • Waihi and Waihi area primary focus is on emergency housing and employment. There are no emergency housing support providers in the community and there is some resistance from moteliers. Biggest challenge is finding accommodation across all communities. Finding permanent, affordable housing is very challenging. Have strong relationships with other government agencies such Kāinga Ora but they do not supply emergency housing. Mention was made of the Kāinga Ora proposed new development at Thames but that is considered too far away to be practical. • Unemployment in Waihi is associated with long-term unemployed. This group can be difficult to motivate because of the ability to pass alcohol and drug tests, have no drivers’ licences and there is no public transport. Provision of transportation to work would be useful and remove obstacles. 18–30-year-olds are affected and would be a useful pool of labour. The secret for motivating employment is money. Life coaching and support to get into and stay in work is important - helping support lifestyle choices such as swapping drugs for sport. Need regular touch points particularly around mental health. Drug and alcohol support is provided through the Manaaki Centre. • COVID-19 has increased numbers and has affected mental health, stress, and anxiety especially in young people. Also, an increase in having to respond to family violence issues. Seasonal employment around kiwifruit and avocadoes doesn’t get people into long-term permanent employment. Well paid work with Silver Fern Farms and Ingrams Chicken processing but also tends to be seasonal. There is a need for consistent sustainable opportunities particularly if training and upskilling is involved. Easier for solo parents to come off the benefit if childcare arrangements are in place. • Those with existing skills are already in employment. The mine is seen as an opportunity. • The proposed expansion project presents an opportunity for potential upskilling of local community members. • There are barriers to uptake as suitable skills providers will need to come into the district or be more active in the community. Educational support will be needed. Pastoral support must be very regular to overcome challenges on intergenerational unemployment, drugs, alcohol or simply demotivated.