Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 46 STUDENT TIES TO MINING OPERATIONS When asked the percentage of their students had ties to Waihi mining operations, e.g., a parent working there, responses ranged from 0 to 36% with an average of 11.7%. EFFECT OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED MINING OPERATIONS Most respondents stated that both current mining operations (57.1%) and proposed expansion of the mine (57.1%) affect their school. Expanding on why the current mining operations have an effect, respondents’ answers generally related to employment at the mine leading to increased numbers of students. This was also the theme of answers as to why respondents felt the potential expansion of the mine would have an impact on schools. EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROJECT NOT PROGRESSING Respondents stated that if the non-progression of the project led to a reduction in school rolls this would lead to loss of staff etc, if the respondents felt their school had minimal ties to the mine, then they stated the non-progression of the project would have minimal to no impact on them. 7.2.3 EMERGENCY/MEDICAL FACILITY RESPONSES CATCHMENT AREA Respondents stated they covered from Waihi and Waihi Beach to Whakamārama. CAPACITY In relation to having capacity to meet future increases in demands for their services, one respondent stated they had the resources to do so while the other indicated an increase in funding would be required. EFFECT OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED MINING OPERATIONS Both respondents stated that the current mining operations have no effect on their facility/operations in any way. Both respondents also stated that the proposed mining operations should not have any effect either. EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROJECT NOT PROGRESSING Both respondents stated that if the proposed project did not proceed this would not have an impact on their operations.