Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 42 GROUP SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT- POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED probably approach OGNZL for funding as they need to raise $1.5M by next year to finish the final stage of the Morgan Park redevelopment. • So far, the redevelopment has seen upgrades to netball and tennis courts, relocation of netball building, upgrade of croquet greens and installation of flood lighting. The next and final stage of the redevelopment will include moving and rebuilding the hub building so that there is a proper community facility in the middle of the park. The bowling green, two rugby / football fields and pump track will also be upgraded. • Activities affected by the mine are The Nugget – the mountain biking path goes near the Mill and ends up at the pumphouse. In order to get to the finish line, riders need to ride on a part of the track that goes inside the mine. The area around the Pumphouse and where the event ends is a focal point of The Nugget as that is where events finish. • A lot of mine workers use the facilities that SNAT manages and are involved in sports events and teams. • Membership of local clubs would take a hit if the mine closed. This would result in less money coming in for maintenance, and clubs will fold as membership and participation numbers drop. Blackhill Moto-X Club • Facility has been there since 1970’s though tidied up about six years ago and now includes a website, seating and driveways. • Good location for Moto-X as noise is an issue so compatible with mining. • About 60% of users are from outside the district. There are 364 yearly keys, 900-day keys. • Track degrades over time so needs constant maintenance. No funding and relies on volunteers. Fees kept low unlike some other clubs to facilitate affordable use. • OGNZL have been in touch as the mining of Gladstone pit will impact the track. Confident that a solution will be reached and unlikely to change activity. • Recommend someone from OGNZL work with the Club so can finalise access and would like to seemoremaintenance and access to water from the stream.