Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 41 GROUP SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT- POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED over three years and was then handed over to locals to run the Nugget Multi-Sport Festival as a community charity event. • Access and maintenance arrangements are informal. It is partially managed by Hauraki District Council who lease the land to a farmer. The farmer is supportive of the activity. Track also traverses Māori and OGNZL owned land. • The track is well known in NZ. There are 50-100 regular users with 200-300 people over holiday periods and long weekends (bikers and walkers). • The development of the proposed Gladstone Open Pit will result in the loss of the track and an existing recreational facility. • Discussions have been held with OGZNL to provide a more formal management structure and to separate walkers and bikers. Much of the land required to replace the track is in OGNZL ownership. There is an opportunity to look at the track design from a technical perspective to increase the quality and use of the facility with Sport ‘N Action potentially “owning” the facility. Potential to link with the Hauraki Rail Trail. • Opportunity to provide a community project that has positive effects on mental and physical wellbeing. In addition, post mine closure, a sustainable and attractive facility remains. • Vision 2020 should be re-invigorated, and the Waihi Community Forum may have a role in that. Sport ‘N Action Trust (SNAT) • SNAT was established over 15 years ago when the previous owners of the mine, Newmont, were looking at closures and there were slumping issues on a sports field. Some money came out of that situation, and SNAT was formed and registered as a charitable trust. • 12 years ago, SNAT took over the Waihi Events Centre from council and began managing bookings. They also started redeveloping Morgan Park, which is the main park in Waihi. About eight different sports are played there including football, croquet, bowls and tennis. To date two stages of redevelopment have been completed and over $2M raised. • SNAT manages two sport and recreational activity facilities for council - Morgan Park (outdoor sports and activities) and Waihi Events Centre (indoor sports). SNAT also provides services for some sports events in and around Waihi, such as The Nugget. For these sports events SNAT provides event volunteers for which they receive some event profits. • SNAT has a working relationship with Hauraki District Council whereby they have one permanent trustee on the board. SNAT will