Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 32 Table 31: Description of business performance over the last five years DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS OVER LAST FIVE YEARS N. (%) Expanded 13 (50.0%) Maintained size with little or no investment 7 (26.9%) Maintained size with investment 5 (19.2%) Down sized 1 (3.8%) Table 32: Description of business performance over the next five years DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS OVER NEXT FIVE YEARS N. (%) Expand 10 (41.7%) Maintain size with little or no investment 6 (25.0%) Maintain size with investment 6 (25.0%) Sell 2 (8.3%) 6.1.2 CURRENT ISSUES When asked what factors currently limit their business the most the number one issue was ‘Orders or sales’ and ‘Materials or components’ while ‘Labour’ had the least limiting affect, see Table 33 for a full breakdown. Table 33: Current limiting factors on respondents' business CURRENT LIMITING FACTOR ON BUSINESS N. (%) Orders or sales 4 (25.0%) Materials or components 4 (25.0%) Finance 3 (18.8%) Capacity 3 (18.8%) Labour 2 (12.5%)