Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 17 Table 11: Respondents stated changes in visiting behaviour in relation to changes caused by the project WOULD THE RESPONDENT CHANGE THEIR VISITING BEHAVIOUR N. (%) No 75 (70.1%) Not sure 19 (17.8%) Yes 13 (12.1%) 4.1.4 PERCEIVED EFFECTS OF PROJECT NOT GOING FORWARD When asked what would be in the impact on the respondent if the proposed project didn’t go forward the largest number of responses (45%) were that there would be no impact on the respondent with the next highest response (15%) was that there would be an impact on work. When asked what the impact on others would be if the project did not go ahead the largest group of responses (38%) were around impacts on employment with the second largest number of responses (20%) being around an impact on the local economy. 4.1.5 CLOSING COMMENTS In the final part of the survey the respondent were asked if there were any other comments they would like to make which were then thematically coded. The results of this coding showed that the majority of the respondents’ comments were expressing support for the proposed project. All the coded themes can be seen in Table 12. Table 12: Respondents end of survey comments ANY OTHER COMMENTS N. Supports project 21 (53.8%) Concerns regarding specific parts of the project/process 8 (20.5%) Suggested other activities 5 (12.8%) Does not support mine 5 (12.8%)